Pages 7-111 Prooemium, Oda I et III (Silvia Ronchey)
Pages 112-265 Oda IV usque ad IX (Paolo Cesaretti)
Pages 265-486 Indices (Paolo Cesaretti)
Pages 487-492 Riproduzioni fotografiche
This volume offers the first critical edition of the vast Commentary on the Pentecostal iambic canon (traditionally ascribed to St. John the Damascene) composed by Eustathius, Archbishop of Thessalonica. The attribution of the hymn to the Damascene was, in principle, called into question by Eustathius himself who eventually suggested that Damascene’s paternity be accepted only out of ecclesiastical obedience.
The Commentary is probably the last text Eustathius wrote. It can be regarded as the summa of his working method, style of exposition, scholarly interests and literary tastes. Moreover, it can be read as the first Byzantine attempt to create a fusion between a working method originating in the exegesis of classical texts and modes of theological interpretation connected in turn to liturgical experience and pastoral practice.
The edition of the text is accompanied by three apparatuses, a complete range of indices and exhaustive Prolegomena where the editors shed light on the Commentary as such – its genesis and date, audience, discussion of traditional attribution, and sources – and the history of its manuscript tradition, with a special focus on the Constantinopolitan didaskaleion of Prodromos-Petra.
Lauxtermann, Marc D. (2015), review of Paolo Cesaretti, Silvia Ronchey (ed.), Eustathii Thessalonicensis exegesis in canonem iambicum pentecostalem. Recensuerunt indicibusque instruxerunt. Supplementa Byzantina, Bd 10 (2014), Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2015.09.48
Gastgeber, Christian (2015), review of Paolo Cesaretti, Silvia Ronchey (ed.), Eustathii Thessalonicensis exegesis in canonem iambicum pentecostalem. Recensuerunt indicibusque instruxerunt. Supplementa Byzantina, Bd 10 (2014), Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, 2015 ( Biblos, Band 64), pp 117 - 119
Montana, Fausto (2016), review of Paolo Cesaretti, Silvia Ronchey (ed.), Eustathii Thessalonicensis exegesis in canonem iambicum pentecostalem. Recensuerunt indicibusque instruxerunt. Supplementa Byzantina, Bd 10 (2014), RFIC, 144, pp 156-174
SchÃnauer, Sonja (2016), review of Paolo Cesaretti, Silvia Ronchey (ed.), Eustathii Thessalonicensis exegesis in canonem iambicum pentecostalem. Recensuerunt indicibusque instruxerunt. Supplementa Byzantina, Bd 10 (2014), MEG 16, 2016, pp 467-470
Caballero, Manuel (2015), review of Paolo Cesaretti, Silvia Ronchey (ed.), Eustathii Thessalonicensis exegesis in canonem iambicum pentecostalem. Recensuerunt indicibusque instruxerunt. Supplementa Byzantina, Bd 10 (2014), (Erytheia - Revista de estudios bizantinos y neogriegos 36), pp 309-311